“Reproducible Research Practices” will be a hands-on workshop, so to maximize our time, we would like you to arrive having completed a number of setup tasks, creating accounts and installing software that we will be using. We will not have time to do all of the setup and accomplish all of our goals during the workshop!

The main tasks are installation of R, RStudio, GitKraken, and a suitable text editor. For Windows users, we will also require the installation of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). You may already have some of this software installed, but we encourage you to read through all of the instructions at the links below that pertain to your system.

Finally, you will also need to create a GitHub account if you do not already have one and configure the GitKraken application.

If you need any assistance with the installation, do not hesitate to reach out to the Data Lab team by email, or, even better, in the Cancer Data Science Slack. You will find us in the #2022-yi-workshops and #reproducible-research-practices channels!