On this page, we’ve assembled some resources you may find helpful for working in R.

Pre-Workshop Prep for R Programming

If you have little to no experience with R, we strongly recommend that you go through some of these swirl course materials before our workshop.

We will iterate through these concepts in the context of gene expression data at the workshop. These materials will help you get the most out of the workshop.

1) To get started with R and swirl, follow the instructions at their website.

2) Follow the steps laid out on their website to complete the ‘R programming’ course.

3) After completing R programming we also recommend you go through the first three sections of the Getting and Cleaning Data course. (No need to complete Dates and Times with lubridate section unless you would like to.)

You will need to install swirl courses using the following R command:

swirl::install_course("Getting and Cleaning Data")

If you are interested in even more material, the full list of swirl courses is here.

More resources for learning R

Here are some more resources for those of you who want to dive deeper. It is NOT mandatory to go through these for the workshop.