The planned schedule for the Jan 31-Feb 2, 2023 Data Lab Training Workshop appears below.

Time Topic
Day 1 2023-01-31
9:00 AM Welcome, Introductions and Getting Started
Workshop Introduction slides (PDF)
10:00 AM Introduction/Refresher to Single-cell Analysis with R and Bioconductor
Single-cell Analysis with R slides (PDF)
Single-cell Analysis with R instruction notebook
11:15 AM Coffee break
11:30 AM Introduction/Refresher to Single-cell Analysis, continued
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Identifying Cell Types with scRNA-seq Data
Cell Typing slides (PDF)
Cell Typing instruction notebook
2:30 PM Coffee break
2:45 PM Identifying Cell Types with scRNA-seq Data, continued
4:00 PM Exercises and Questions
Exercise: Importing CITE-seq data
Exercise: Cell type assignment
5:00 PM Adjourn for the day
Day 2 2023-02-01
9:00 AM Questions and Review
9:30 AM Integrating scRNA-seq Experiments
Integration slides (PDF)
Integration instruction notebook
11:00 AM Coffee break
11:15 AM Integrating scRNA-seq Experiments, continued
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Exercises, Questions, and Independent Projects
Exercise: Integration
4:00 PM Adjourn for the day
6:30 PM Workshop dinner: Manayunk Brewing Co.
4120 Main St
Philadelphia, PA 19127
Day 3 2023-02-02
9:00 AM Questions and Review
9:30 AM Differential Expression Analysis with scRNA-seq
Differential Expression slides (PDF)
Differential Expression instruction notebook
11:00 AM Coffee break
11:15 AM Differential Expression Analysis, continued
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30 PM Exercises, Questions, and Independent Projects
Exercise: Differential Expression
3:00 PM Participant Presentations!
4:00 PM Adjourn